Written By Zachary John Bequeker
+255 625 966 236  

Once upon a time there lived an old waman with her husband. The name of the old woman was Maneja.
        One day Maneja’s grandchildren and their friends paid her a visit. The children asked
Maneja to tell them how she escaped from being killed by thieves who had attacked her.                           
         Maneja was willing to tell grand children and their friends the whole story. But she first wanted  know if the children were ready to    follow her example. The children told Maneja that they were ready to do whatever she wanted them to do.

         This is what Maneja told the children:

         “One day your grandfather went on safari. I was therefore all alone in the house. They wanted to get into the house and the steal our property. They broke the windows.

          During the night thieves came to the house. They to get into the house and steal our property. They broke the windows.

          I heard  the noise made by the thieves but I did not shout. Do you know what I did?”
          “No !“ The children answered all together.   
Maneja  continued with her story.         

“I acted as if there were two persons in the house. I went into my bed room and spoke in a soft, woman’s voice: “Mr Ngagaja! There is some one out side the house.”

     “Then very carefully and quickly, I went into the second bedroom and spoke in a deep, man’s voice: “where are my spear and club?”

“Then suddenly, I opened the door in the sitting room with all my force. The thieves ran very fast and never returned to trouble me again. They thought your grandfather  was in the house and that he had opened the door to attack them.

“I returned to my bed room to sleep. And you, my grandchildren, what would you have done?” Asked Maneja.

“I would have shouted!” Answered one of the children without thinking.

“Aha!” Maneja answered, “If you had shouted the thieves would have known that you were alone in the house. They would therefore have entered the house to steal.”

“ I would have kept silent!” Said another child.

“Aha!” Maneja began. “ Your silence would have meant there was nobody in the house. So the thieves would have entered the house and steal. And perhaps, on finding you alone in the house, they have killed you.”

One clever child said, “ I have done exactly what you did. I think that was very clever of you”

Maneja closed her right eye and looked at the clever child. She removed her pipe from her mouth and smiled happily.

All the children looked at Maneja. They too smiled and praised the old woman for her wisdom.
Answer the following questions:
1.      What was the name of the old woman?
2.        What was the name of Maneja’s husband?
3.       Who visited the old woman one day?
4.       Who came to the house of the old woman one night?

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Hi! I am Zachary John Bequeker, from Mwanza Tanzania, East Africa.I'm a blogger of ZAKACHEKA NEWS LINE And ZAKKACHEKA INJILI.Contact me +255 625966236 / +255 758590489 or mail on . Thanks!!!

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